The Boyd Blog

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As Retail Theft Rates Rise, Is Your Business Protected?

In today’s economic climate, where inflation continues to drive up prices, retail owners must take their business security seriously. With rising prices comes a higher theft rate. Is your business equipped to handle this increase? The Rising Threat of Retail Theft According to recent data from the National Retail Federation, the average price of goods […]

Best Security Practices for Home Gun Safety

As a security provider committed to safeguarding homes and promoting the well-being of families, we understand the importance of responsible gun ownership. While firearms can be valuable tools for self-defense, it is crucial to prioritize gun safety within the home environment, especially whenever children are present. An unsettling statistic is that firearms are now the leading […]

7 Essential Summer Safety Tips for All Ages

Summer brings longer days and endless opportunities for outdoor fun. However, it’s also a time to be extra vigilant about safety. Whether you’re planning a family vacation, a trip to the beach, or simply spending more time outdoors, Boyd & Associates is here to ensure you have a safe summer. Here are seven crucial safety […]

Essential Camping Safety Tips from Boyd & Associates

Embarking on a camping trip can be one of the most rewarding ways to explore nature and disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, venturing into the wilderness requires preparation and awareness to ensure that your outdoor experience is not only enjoyable but also safe. Boyd & Associates is committed to helping […]

9 Personal Safety Tips for Everyday Security

In today’s world, staying safe is essential, whether you’re at home or on the move. Boyd and Associates emphasizes the importance of preparedness and awareness for enhancing personal security across various environments. Here’s a concise overview: Stay Alert: Minimize distractions and be vigilant about your surroundings, particularly in quieter areas. Choose Safe Spaces: Favor well-lit, […]

Stay Safe on Your Strolls: Essential Tips for Walking & Wallet Protection

Walking, for many, is more than just physical exercise; it’s a part of their daily routine or an adventure into new vistas. At Boy’d and Associates, we prioritize your safety in every step you take, whether through quiet mornings or vibrant city streets. Here’s a brief on how to enhance your walking safety and protect […]