Increasing Your Home’s Security with These Tips

Increasing Your Home's Security with These Tips

All right, you’ve purchased an alarm system, you’ve set it up around your home just the way you want it, everything is turned on and working properly, and you’ve established a healthy security routine. What’s next?

There are a few further steps you can take for extra peace of mind, especially if you live in an area where burglaries are more common. Consider precautions like these to add a little extra security in addition to your system.

Consider Where Your Alarm Pad Is

Large alarm pads right by doorways present a problem. If someone wants to break into your house, it’s pretty easy for them to wait hidden on the other side of the street and capture zoomed-in footage of you putting your security code, so they know what it is.

The best solution to this is making sure that your alarm pad is in an area where it’s difficult to see. Right by the door where everyone can see isn’t the greatest place – consider moving it to a side wall, corner, or another area where it’s more difficult to see. If you don’t want to get involved in relocation expenses, then you can always position a shrub or potted tree in front of the pad so it’s much more difficult to see.

Burglars usually make a beeline to master bedrooms to look for expensive items such as jewelry. You can easily foil this move by keeping your small valuables in areas where burglars wouldn't normally look.

Use Dowel Rods Where Appropriate

Dowel rods or similar pieces of lumber are often used on sliding doors and windows. When placed on the inside of the windowsill, in the sliding track where the window/door moves, it blocks movement at that entry point. This is particularly useful if you forget to lock the sliding door or window — these are often the places that burglars try first because they are the easiest to open. A simple dowel rod can act as a guarantee that no one will gain access.

Pay Attention to Your Landscaping

Take a little time and look at your landscape through the eyes of someone trying to burglarize the house. Where are the areas that people could hide? What spots are dark at night, where security lights don’t currently reach? If you can find places like these, it may be time for new landscaping and additional lighting to remove those hiding spots.

Think About Where You Store Valuables

Burglars usually make a beeline to master bedrooms to look for expensive items such as jewelry. You can easily foil this move by keeping your small valuables in areas where burglars wouldn’t normally look. Consider moving jewelry and other items to other rooms around the house where you still have easy access, but where burglars wouldn’t think to look.

Looking for better security at your home or business? We can help with on of your unique security needs. Contact Us!

For more information on security systems, home safety, and how you to update your security, take a look at our services and how Boyd & Associates can help!